Well I have not done as much as I wanted to since my last post. I have kept up on Kizzy's ground work and ground driving but not as consistently as I would have liked to. Between the holidays, weather and family it has been a busy time. My New Years resolutions are to lose weight, work out and really work on becoming a stronger rider. I plan on working Kizzy this month on the same basic things so that she is ready to go to Patricia's in February...I am really excited for her to start with Patricia I think they will get along well and I feel Patricia has a perfect personality for Kizzy. If I can get Kizzy strong in what she knows Patricia should be able to move forward with her right from the get go.
My lessons with Chelsey have been wonderful and she is really making me understand how to ride. Looking back at my riding over the years I don't know if I ever really got pushed to ride the correct way and make the horse understand. I had a great horse in Gunther and he did what he was told whether I was asking correctly or not we rode together for so long that we learned how each other worked. I don't know at that time if I could have rode a different horse as well. I guess what I am saying is Gunther made me look like a better rider then what I really was. As hard as that is to admit I am ready to become a strong correct rider now and I feel my lessons with Chelsey are getting me on the right track.
I like to set my goals high in life and my horses are no exception...When I started back into riding I wanted to get up to Prelim. I competed up to Prelim back in the day but I feel I didn't do it well. I got my confidence knocked a bit and my goals dropped down to training level. Well after riding with Chelsey and working with Kizzy my goal is Prelim once again. I feel with the correct coaching and training I can do it. I just need to work very hard and keep focused. Of course Kizzy is a bit of an unknown at this point but as I work with her and watch her I don't see any reason why we can't achieve our goals....This year is going to be a fun one!!!!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Well the weather is starting...
Well I have been working Kizzy a bunch in the last 2 1/2 weeks. We have been working with getting comfortable with her tack, boots and breast collar. I need to get a new bridle so I have been using my training bridle with the rope halter for now and it seems to be working. She is going great under tack and starting to learn moving forward with me pushing her from behind well not actually pushing. I have been moving her away from me and in the same process getting her to move forward without being next to me if that makes sense. She is doing really well even when she is a bit scared of something she will go if I move her forward. She is getting braver and I even worked her through water which she does not seem to mind although always looks at me like why do I have to go through this when there is dry land on both sides... I have also been working on laying over her back which she doesn't mind at all. I have been putting pressure on the stirrups while moving the saddle back and forth. I have also been moving all over with my hands and legs while laying across her and she seems to care less. I would love to just jump on but I need a ground person and one is not available right now so I will just do everything but get on for now. I am teaching her about the bit and steering and even though she doesn't quit understand it yet she is starting to get it. She definitely has a mare personality but I feel she is going to be an awesome horse and a great partner.
I am getting to ride at Aspen with Chelsey on a regular basis now and love it. I have continued to ride Linus in lessons and we are really coming along. Now I am getting the chance to ride other horses to and it is really making me a stronger rider. I have a long way to go and much to work on but my goal is to ride with Chelsey all winter so when Kiz is ready to go I should be a much more confident and correct rider. I want to really get back into eventing and I want to be competitive and I feel I am on the right track...Of course this last week Kiz has had the week off due to the horrid weather so hopefully we will be back on track next week rain or shine...
I am getting to ride at Aspen with Chelsey on a regular basis now and love it. I have continued to ride Linus in lessons and we are really coming along. Now I am getting the chance to ride other horses to and it is really making me a stronger rider. I have a long way to go and much to work on but my goal is to ride with Chelsey all winter so when Kiz is ready to go I should be a much more confident and correct rider. I want to really get back into eventing and I want to be competitive and I feel I am on the right track...Of course this last week Kiz has had the week off due to the horrid weather so hopefully we will be back on track next week rain or shine...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Just a short note!

I worked Kizzy today and she did great. I even had Gage run up behind her a couple of times through the woods and she didn't even bat an eye. I have been jumping up beside her and leaning on the saddle to get her used to that feeling. today we did a lot of that and getting her to move forward right away when asked. I am also working on getting her used to the bit being moved in her mouth and her following it.
Moving along!
So this last weekend My mom and I took Kizzy to the Woodbrook Hunter Derby Trials. I wanted to get her out and about again and I also wanted to tack her up and move her out a bit. She is so good at loading and walks right in so that anxiety is finally leaving me. When we first got there I was a bit worried the driveway was skinny and the parking was way back in a small field. I didn't know where the road was leading or if I would be able to get the trailer turned around once I got back there ( I am not the handiest with the trailer).
So we get back there and it was early so not a ton of people were there yet which was nice because it gave me a big area to turn around in. I unloaded her and she just walked around and took in the sights and sounds. There were horses galloping around, Kids with dogs running and kids on some feisty quick little ponies. She jumped once and that was it. Even with the horses trotting by on the hunter pace track behind the bushes she was good. I just got her feet moving when she got worried then she stood great even while I tacked her up. I got her all tacked up and then walked her around again and made her stand while I talked to Patricia who met her for the first time. We went all around and she was awesome even with a lot more people. She did stare at this one pony like she couldn't figure out if it was a horse or a dog but other then that she took everything in stride. When we were done I un tacked her and she just walked back into the trailer and we left. We left at the right time to since many more trailers were coming in and I was worried I wasn't going to get mine out. I wanted to take some pictures and even brought my camera but of course forgot to take them....Pictures will be coming of my sweet girl.
So we get back there and it was early so not a ton of people were there yet which was nice because it gave me a big area to turn around in. I unloaded her and she just walked around and took in the sights and sounds. There were horses galloping around, Kids with dogs running and kids on some feisty quick little ponies. She jumped once and that was it. Even with the horses trotting by on the hunter pace track behind the bushes she was good. I just got her feet moving when she got worried then she stood great even while I tacked her up. I got her all tacked up and then walked her around again and made her stand while I talked to Patricia who met her for the first time. We went all around and she was awesome even with a lot more people. She did stare at this one pony like she couldn't figure out if it was a horse or a dog but other then that she took everything in stride. When we were done I un tacked her and she just walked back into the trailer and we left. We left at the right time to since many more trailers were coming in and I was worried I wasn't going to get mine out. I wanted to take some pictures and even brought my camera but of course forgot to take them....Pictures will be coming of my sweet girl.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Lesson on Tuesday's

Well I've been taking lessons at Aspen on Tuesday's with Chelsey and my friend Cindi. I take my lesson on Linus (Gail Elliotts horse) he is a sweet chestnut with a great personality. He is awesome although he can be very tough to get going at times. We are finally getting each other and he is starting to move forward in a rounder frame. I am really trying to get my body back into riding shape and getting good form again. I feel I need that for when Kizzy gets going. I also just want to be good at riding again which right now is a work in progress. Cindi usually rides her horse Story in our lesson but with her sidelined with and injury she rode one of the working students Arab. Chelsey is a wonderful teacher and really has a good eye for what you need to change to make things work better. The weather was wonderful tonight so I thought I would snap some pics of our wonderful time...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We did it!!

Well we did it. I got the saddle and girth on tight and she did it with style. I have been working with that over girth and pad. She was doing so well I decided on Friday to give the girth and saddle a try. She did it without a flinch although I didn't put it to tight. I was at the NWEC show on Saturday to help my friend Betsy and to watch Cross Country. Betsy did great and I saw many good rounds. I can't wait to get out there riding again. Today Gage and I went to the Toy Story double 3D and had a great time. He was even trying to grab the letters that looked like they were coming out of the movie screen. When I got home it was saddle time again. This time I just put it on a little looser at first then tightened it and worked her with it on. She worked great and didn't even seem to notice the saddle. I was so proud of her and I feel we just made a huge step in her progress now we can start with the breast plate, regular bridle, lounging and long lining. I am so excited....
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
finally a post!!!
Well I am finally posting again. We have been really busy with Gage, horse functions and normal Summer activities. I have been working Kizzy on a pretty regular schedule although here and there she does get breaks. I decided to hold off going to Leslie's barn because Kizzy is coming along really well and I want to save money to keep her in training for a bit longer this winter. We have continued our work on getting her used to saddle, bridle, boots etc... Although the girth is still our issue she is coming along well and the overgirth is nice and snug. A few more weeks of that and the saddle and girth should be no problem.
We are still working on her staying in her own space and off of me and she is getting more respectful. I realized the more confident and assertive I am while being kind and consistent makes her calmer and a better listener. She is really not doing as many foolish baby things as she was before and she seems to realize she is working and not just out to play. She is respecting my space and when she gets a reprimand for doing something really goofy she stops and moves on. I can see her changing and growing and it is a wonderful feeling.
I have decided to send her to Patricia Morissette-Ayers for backing and training. Patricia owns a small farm called Meadowhill and she is a wonderful rider with a great personality. She has 20+ years of riding experience, from breaking/starting green horses to competing. Her specialty is restarting OTTB's but she seems wonderful with all types I am really excited. She competes and is out there doing what I want to be doing and her greenies show her skill in training and riding. I am taking her there for February, March and April so we should be ready to have some fun next summer.
I am also taking lessons on Gail Elliott's great horse Linus over at Aspen farms. Cindi and I take a lesson every week with Chelsey and we have a blast. It is so good for me to be riding again and it will help to be in shape when Kizzy is ready to go.
We are still working on her staying in her own space and off of me and she is getting more respectful. I realized the more confident and assertive I am while being kind and consistent makes her calmer and a better listener. She is really not doing as many foolish baby things as she was before and she seems to realize she is working and not just out to play. She is respecting my space and when she gets a reprimand for doing something really goofy she stops and moves on. I can see her changing and growing and it is a wonderful feeling.
I have decided to send her to Patricia Morissette-Ayers for backing and training. Patricia owns a small farm called Meadowhill and she is a wonderful rider with a great personality. She has 20+ years of riding experience, from breaking/starting green horses to competing. Her specialty is restarting OTTB's but she seems wonderful with all types I am really excited. She competes and is out there doing what I want to be doing and her greenies show her skill in training and riding. I am taking her there for February, March and April so we should be ready to have some fun next summer.
I am also taking lessons on Gail Elliott's great horse Linus over at Aspen farms. Cindi and I take a lesson every week with Chelsey and we have a blast. It is so good for me to be riding again and it will help to be in shape when Kizzy is ready to go.
Monday, August 24, 2009
It's been a while!!
Well it has been a while since I posted we had a lot going on. Dan was on a trip to Minnesota for a PGA golf tournament so it was just Gage and I. Needless to say I did not get a lot done with Kizzy. I did have a blast with Gage though. He also had his 4Th Birthday on Saturday and we had our friends and family over with there kids. We had a blast and Gage had a bunch of fun with all the kids. We purchased one of those wooded swing sets a month ago as a Birthday present for Gage. Dan just finished it the Friday before Gage's Birthday, nice timing... I can't believe he is already 4. The swing set will be so great because it gives him something to play on when we are outside and I am working Kizzy or doing chores.
I started putting a saddle pad on her with my XC over girth around where the girth would go. I have been doing so many elastic bands that she doesn't mind this at all. I will just slowly tighten it up and go from there. I have continued to do a bunch of desensitizing and ground work with her and I think it is really paying off. I am also really working on personal space issues because she likes to just kind of push me out of her way. We still have a long way to go on the girth issue but I feel I am making big steps forward when before I felt I was spinning my wheels. I also think I might wait and take her to Leslie's in October or November and only for two weeks. I feel I am working through Kizzy's issues and we are figuring things out well. I also think we are building trust and a partnership. My last bit is I really want Kizzy to go into training (backing, flatwork and outings) with Patricia in January or February so I would like to save some money so she can be there a bit longer during the winter months. I really would love to be ready next summer to ride in some clinics and maybe a few schooling shows.
I started putting a saddle pad on her with my XC over girth around where the girth would go. I have been doing so many elastic bands that she doesn't mind this at all. I will just slowly tighten it up and go from there. I have continued to do a bunch of desensitizing and ground work with her and I think it is really paying off. I am also really working on personal space issues because she likes to just kind of push me out of her way. We still have a long way to go on the girth issue but I feel I am making big steps forward when before I felt I was spinning my wheels. I also think I might wait and take her to Leslie's in October or November and only for two weeks. I feel I am working through Kizzy's issues and we are figuring things out well. I also think we are building trust and a partnership. My last bit is I really want Kizzy to go into training (backing, flatwork and outings) with Patricia in January or February so I would like to save some money so she can be there a bit longer during the winter months. I really would love to be ready next summer to ride in some clinics and maybe a few schooling shows.
Friday, August 7, 2009
We had some fun!
Yesterday we had some fun. I did the normal start by getting her moving forward and moving away from pressure. I had the new elastic thing around her girth area which she is getting really used to. I wanted to work with her walking over a tarp so I pulled one out in her pasture so I could get it ready. As I was getting it ready she was pawing at it and picking it up with her mouth and shaking it obviously not to scary. Once I got the poles on the sides so it would not fly around since it was windy I just started walking her over it. She was more interested in eating it then anything. We walked back and forth until she did it without balking at all. Then I worked her on the lunge with it and she just walked over it like a champ even with the wind blowing the edges around. I would walk her over it while making her move forward then I would make her move her haunches to switch direction. She did awesome and never batted an eye. I wanted to trot a bit over it but it was so windy I thought it would be better if we quit with just the walk.
She still has a dominance issue like she thinks she is in charge of everything but we are getting through it. I want to make her respect me and my space before she gets bigger and stronger. She is so nice to work with and takes everything in stride still so that is good. One week until she goes to Leslie's and I am so excited.
She still has a dominance issue like she thinks she is in charge of everything but we are getting through it. I want to make her respect me and my space before she gets bigger and stronger. She is so nice to work with and takes everything in stride still so that is good. One week until she goes to Leslie's and I am so excited.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A bad week

Well I didn't get much done these last two weeks. It was horribly hot and we had to put our sweet dog down. She was in pretty bad shape but it was still so hard and my mind was on other things. Her name was Casey and she was a 12yr old German Shepard. She will be missed so much.
I just started getting Kizzy back on track and she is doing well. We have been doing a lot of desensitizing so she will be more excepting of the saddle and girth. I have been doing a lot of hugging her and working with the elastic band around her girth area. We are also working on getting her hind end and front end moving separately and she is really getting it. I don't have a lot to report since we just started up again. She will be going to Leslie's on the 15Th so that is going to be a bunch of fun and really good for her. Hopefully during that time we will get her going under tack smoothly and with a happy attitude.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Too Cute!
Well today I worked with Kizzy and I thought I would add some ground poles into the mix. I figured they would be fun and something different. Well she did great and walked and trotted through them calmly only bulking a little bit going to the left. I think it might have been the shadow or her saying "you want what"? She did great and this is all with the little elastic band around her girth area and the training bridle. I need to go get a thicker band and work with that also. We did a lot of hugging and she is getting quite comfortable with pressure all around her. We had to go to town today and when we got back Kizzy was really checking the ground polls out. I just had to film this...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Making progress!
Well to start things off Kizzy's bumps are just teeth bumps and will go away in time. The vet visit last Friday went great. She loaded into the trailer without a bulk and when we arrived she was on her toes but never did a thing. The only time she even bucked and got excited a bit is when Dr. Mikes horses started making some noise and she realized horses were around but out of sight. She did get some happy juice for the x-rays but only because she had to stand so still. After we were finished she loaded up and we headed home. The only tragedy was Gage falling off the horse bus (his name for the horse trailer) and getting a blow to his ego. My anxiety about trailering horses is starting to go away again....What a trooper she was.
I have been working a lot on the ground with Kizzy and getting her used to moving away from pressure and respecting me as the leader. I have been taking my time and introducing things slowly but I felt like I was missing some stuff. I was really having problems with the girth and felt like I needed a little help before I made her scared of the girth for ever.
Leslie came over on Wednesday to trim the horses feet and I asked her for some help. She does natural horsemanship but in her own way and I love how she works horses. She told me to make my signals to Kizzy more clear and to keep things smooth and quiet. I worked with moving Kizzy's hind quarters and front end. She did it so much better when I gave her a clear signal for what I was asking she also didn't ever ask why do I have to do this. Leslie also found out that Kizzy is very claustrophobic and touchy around her belly and girth area which is why the girth has been such an issue. Leslie would walk around her and give her these big bear hugs and hold the pressure and Kizzy would get a little tense then relax the only place that she really jumped was the girth area. Leslie did that area with a bit less pressure and told me she needed more hugging. Leslie also gave me a few elastic bands to work with around her girth area to just get her used to something there. I usually put one on and then work her. All and all she gave me a great lesson and many new things to work on. Kizzy did great and learned some also. She will be going to Leslie's place in August so we can work with her consistently and correctly. I know she will turn out great!!!
I have been working a lot on the ground with Kizzy and getting her used to moving away from pressure and respecting me as the leader. I have been taking my time and introducing things slowly but I felt like I was missing some stuff. I was really having problems with the girth and felt like I needed a little help before I made her scared of the girth for ever.
Leslie came over on Wednesday to trim the horses feet and I asked her for some help. She does natural horsemanship but in her own way and I love how she works horses. She told me to make my signals to Kizzy more clear and to keep things smooth and quiet. I worked with moving Kizzy's hind quarters and front end. She did it so much better when I gave her a clear signal for what I was asking she also didn't ever ask why do I have to do this. Leslie also found out that Kizzy is very claustrophobic and touchy around her belly and girth area which is why the girth has been such an issue. Leslie would walk around her and give her these big bear hugs and hold the pressure and Kizzy would get a little tense then relax the only place that she really jumped was the girth area. Leslie did that area with a bit less pressure and told me she needed more hugging. Leslie also gave me a few elastic bands to work with around her girth area to just get her used to something there. I usually put one on and then work her. All and all she gave me a great lesson and many new things to work on. Kizzy did great and learned some also. She will be going to Leslie's place in August so we can work with her consistently and correctly. I know she will turn out great!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Back to normal!

Well everybody has gone home and even though it was awesome to see family and we had a blast I am sure all are ready to be back to normal. Well my normal is working with Kizzy consistently again. I have been working her about 6 days a week and she is coming along very nicely. She does like to test me now and again but once she knows I am not going to quit she seems to say OK and does it. She does have a little bit of a stubborn streak but she is good at working through it. We are working on giving and moving away from pressure, respect of space and getting her used to new things. All of this is ongoing but she gets better every lesson.
She has a bony lump on her jaw between her cheek and her chin. At first I thought she just must have hit it but it has not gone away so I want to get her looked at. It doesn't seem sore anymore and it doesn't seem to bother her but I want Dr Mike to check it out. The fun part of the vet visit is that I am bringing her to the clinic so if he has to take xrays it will be easier. One of my biggest anxieties with horses is having a horse that loads and unloads easily. Kizzy is now realizing what the trailer is and therefore is not as excited to get in it. She is still very good but there is a bit more hesitation and she actually backed out a few times before I asked her and didn't stop when I pulled a bit on the halter. I am taking it pretty slow because I never want this to be a problem and in the future I would love to have her walk in and out by herself so I can take her places by myself. Ah so much to work on...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Busy Busy Busy!!

Well we have been really busy but Kizzy has been getting worked a little everyday. I am still doing ground work with her and working on the whole girth thing. I am hoping next month to bring her to my friends to get her off the property and working on saddling and ground work in a clinic format. I think it will be good for her and a bunch of fun.

Gage graduated from school although he is not really in a grade and not going anywhere different. It was very fun and he was so proud...Dan and I were proud too...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Starting over!!!
Well since I decided to start from the beginning again things have been going really well and Kizzy really enjoys it. I have been doing a lot of rope work especially around her belly and hind end. I want her to get used to all these sensations so that when I do put the saddle on again and the breast plate it will be no big deal. I have been making her move away from pressure and she is doing wonderful I also have continued to work on voice commands which she seems to understand better now. I am really working on trust with her so she completely trusts me, and she is really becoming a lot less worried when I move all over around her... I am also working on standing by her on a bucket so that I am a bit taller and rubbing her all over then when she is first mounted she will be used to somebody being there. I figure I am in no rush and I am enjoying all the work I do with her.. She follows me around the pasture now and loves to be scratched...So Sweet!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It has been busy!!!
It seems like we have been running everywhere so I haven't had as much time as I wanted to work with Kizzy. Once the refi on our house goes through it will be back to more normal activities. I decided since Kizzy has been a bit fearful of the saddle I moved to quickly without enough prep work. So we are back to square one with the saddle. This is fine since I am in no hurry and I am having a blast. Leslie helped me with a few ideas on how to get her comfortable with the saddle and girth so she will be happy and comfortable once we get it on again.
Sometimes I feel I move more quickly with her because she is easy going and doesn't really react to things which is great. The only problem with that is I don't realize she has an issue with something until after she already has one. I just carry on with things then she reacts to something and I realize I did not prepare her for what I was doing and she has never had it done before. I just expect her to be good about everything and forget sometimes that she is so young with so little experience it just takes getting used to. She is such a joy to work with and I am hoping to do some really fun things with her in the next few months. I have a bunch of fun training activities planned....
Sometimes I feel I move more quickly with her because she is easy going and doesn't really react to things which is great. The only problem with that is I don't realize she has an issue with something until after she already has one. I just carry on with things then she reacts to something and I realize I did not prepare her for what I was doing and she has never had it done before. I just expect her to be good about everything and forget sometimes that she is so young with so little experience it just takes getting used to. She is such a joy to work with and I am hoping to do some really fun things with her in the next few months. I have a bunch of fun training activities planned....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Saddle is a success!!!
Well we have been working on putting the bridle on and getting her used to the bit and she has been doing very well. After the surcingle slipped I was a little hesitant about using it again. It has no elastic and it is hard to get it tight with give. I decided to just use the saddle instead. We worked on getting it on and off and moving it around but I didn't try the girth again for a while. On Friday I decided to give it a go and after a few bucks she was good and lunging like a champ. I did the same thing on Sunday and although she moved a bit more because she new what was coming she still did very good. I try to alternate days so she doesn't think we are going to be doing something she is not fond of everyday. So now we continue working on getting her used to all the normal tack (saddle, bridle, boots etc) then slowly introduce the breast plate, stirrups etc... I am taking it slow because I want this to be a positive experience and I want her to become a horse that nothing really phases.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Back to work!

Well I just got back from a family vacation with my mom and my son Gage. We went to my cousins high school graduation and visited a bunch of family while we were there. It was so nice to see Gage playing with his cousins. We had a busy time but it was a blast. I do really miss home...
Kizzy got a week off so now it is time to buckle down again. I am really working on getting her used to all the equipment and lunging while she is tacked up. Today we worked on boots and her bridle. I had been working on just putting a rope in her mouth to get her used to the feeling of something in her mouth. Today I put a light bridle on with a rubber loose ring bit. She was chewing on it and moving it around but she was taking to it nicely. When I first put her boots on she did a bit of high stepping but soon got used to them. She lunged great today and listened really well. I am basically going to keep putting her bridle on and the boots until she gets used to them then introduce the surcingle again. I don't want to introduce to much at once. She seems to take things in stride and even if she gets a bit nervous she is nice and quiet about it. I think she will come along nicely...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
We Made It!!!

We just got in last night from our schooling show. We went there to get Kizzy used to the whole show experience it was a blast although she was not to impressed by the stall. She would rear in place and buck all in a little stall I think she felt a little trapped. She settled in though and when I took her out to lunge and walk around she was great. She was on her toes but she did nothing to huge and just took everything in.
She even loaded and unloaded from the trailer great. I thought when she got there she would be a little worried about getting in again to go home but she walked right in an stood...What a trooper!!

Maddie did awesome on Wally with not one run out and there jumping was awesome. Wally was a perfect neighbor for Kizzy because he is so quiet and sweet in the stall. All and all everybody had a great show and it was fun hanging out with friends and talking to other horse crazy people. Kizzy and I have a lot of work to do but it will be a bunch of fun.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I just had to write!
Fun Filled Weekend!

Well we had a bunch of fun this weekend. I thought I would be working the whole weekend on getting her to load and unload from the trailer. Well I walked her up to the trailer and in she went so I made her back up to get used to that and then go forward again. She rocked and never once was worried about getting in or out. We worked on walk, trot and whoa without any problem and she just does her thing weather she is scared of something or not. We walked by a few monsters on the road and she just takes it all in and moves on, I love this horse.

Today I decided to try to put a lunging surcingle on to get her used to something around her girth area. I had gotten her used to the pad and surcingle but was going to walk her around a bit with it tightened a little. Well I tightened it a little and she was walking around like a pro until it slipped back and really tightened. She looked like a Lipizzaner with all her feet off the ground, boy can she jump (she is so athletic). It was my mistake by putting it to loose so it could move to much but she did her leaps above the ground then just stopped and let me pull it forward. I held onto it so it wouldn't move again then walked her around so it would end on a positive note and she just went about her business. She is going to be so fun!!!
I also pulled her mane so she looks a bit more ready to go!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I am sick of rain!!!
Well Kizzy is doing very well. We have been working on walk, trot and whoa while on the lead and she is doing great we even trotted through some puddles. I had to work with her on being sprayed for bugs. She didn't like that much, it is funny the things you just figure horses are used to. We worked on it a bit and everything came out well but of course after she was all covered in a protective layer it started to pour rain. This brings me to why I am sick of rain. I thought in WA that I would be pretty safe in May to have a horse without a blanket. We are getting close to summer and it should be much warmer. I also thought that this would be a great time to work a horse because it would be more dry then wet outside...Well I had to go buy a blanket last night which she will probably out grow in 2 wks and I get to work her in the pouring rain for short spurts because Gage doesn't want to hang outside either in the rain and he usually plays outside while I work Kizzy. I don't think Kizzy was used to wearing a blanket because she thought something was really trying to get her with those back leg straps but boy she can really get her hind end under her. She is really touchy between her back legs and stomach area around her girly parts so we are working on getting more comfortable with that so she doesn't get kicky... One last thing is Gunther and Kizzy have become the best of friends which is very sweet except when you want to take one of them away. I am hoping Gunther doesn't have a hear attack when I take Kizzy to the little schooling show...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
So Far So Good!!
Well I have been taking Kizzy out to explore just to get her used to things. She takes everything in and seems to really enjoy herself. I brushed her and am getting her used to walking and stopping in a straight line with voice commands. I did do a bit of desensitizing with a Fred Meyer bag and after a bit she just wanted to eat it. I love her mind and so does Dan.
This week will be all short works on the lead rope and getting her used to ground manners since she sometimes thinks I am just a rock on the road. I want to get her really used to voice commands and moving away from pressure that helps so much down the road. I also want to start getting her used to lunging and long lining. I forgot what it is like having such a young horse and I really enjoy it because everything is new and it is fun to watch them learn everything big and small.
This week will be all short works on the lead rope and getting her used to ground manners since she sometimes thinks I am just a rock on the road. I want to get her really used to voice commands and moving away from pressure that helps so much down the road. I also want to start getting her used to lunging and long lining. I forgot what it is like having such a young horse and I really enjoy it because everything is new and it is fun to watch them learn everything big and small.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Kizzy is home!!!!!

Well we finally brought Kizzy home. It was a great trip and very uneventful which was good. She loaded in the trailer like a champ with some coaxing from Cindi but she didn't want to get out once we got home. It took an hour to get her out of the trailer she just was scared to get her feet out...She finally decided she couldn't stay in the trailer forever and backed out almost on her tip toes. She didn't even break a sweat the whole trip.
Once she got out it was like she was walking on air..She was pretty unsure about everything but not once did she do anything crazy..What a good girl! I took her into the pasture and walked her around then let her loose. She just walked around and checked everything out. Of course Gunther was strutting his stuff like a young colt again. He is so happy to have company and Kizzy being a mare is just a bonus!! Today I will take her out for a short walk and brush her a bit just to get her used to things.. So here the adventure begins!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
This weekend hopefully!!!
Well we were all ready to go get Kizzy this weekend. I was really excited because Cindi and I had a lesson planned at Aspen farm on Friday w/ Jonathan. Then on Saturday we were going to Cindi's to pick up Kizzy. Well I threw my back out and a family emergency came up with Cindi which I hope is going ok. What does all this mean well it means that we didn't have a lesson and we will hopefully go down on the 25th and get Kizzy. Dan and I have our anniversary on the 26th so it will be a full weekend, but I hope that all goes smooth and we finally get my new horse. I did get to reschedule my lesson to Wednesday so that is cool. I love having lessons with Suzy and Jon they have a wonderful facility and are awesome trainers.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
One more week!!!

Well things did not go as planned.... It all started with an unwanted spigot in the pasture. We wanted to remove this spigot for along time but never got around to it. Since we were bringing Kizzy home and Gunther had to be in that paddock exclusively we thought it would be a good time. Well in the process of digging down about 4 ft Dan accidentally hit the pipe and broke it. This was around 8:00 Friday night and we were not sure if we needed to get a plumber out Saturday or if we could fix it. I called Cindi and asked if we could pick up Kizzy next Saturday because of the pipe. I was worried we were not going to have water for a week... I was also worried that if we needed a plumber they might have to bring in some machinery to dig around the pipe. I didn't think it would be good for Kizzy to come home to all this craziness. It ended up all working out and Dan the ultimate plumber fixed it and learned a lot in the process. We now have the horrible spigot out of the pasture and all it took was a lot of anxiety, panic and hard work...This did let us go to the Littlerock Fire Department for the annual Easter Egg hunt. Gage had a blast a brought home a few treats... He loves those fire trucks. Kizzy will come home on Saturday April 18th...Here is a picture of her last month when we saw her. I took it so it is not good but at least it is a picture.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Fun Weekend!
Well this weekend we did the final prep for Kizzy's homecoming. I cleared the pasture of big rocks and medium sized rocks. We raked out all the brush and branches that had blown down this last week and we washed the truck and trailer. All I have left to do is buy her food and salt block. I am so excited for Saturday and of course it is supposed to rain.
Gage and I went to the NWEC Derby and watched for awhile. We cheered on our friend Betsy who had a wonderful ride and said HI to people we have not seen for awhile. It is always so nice at these early Derbies and shows because everybody is in a great mood and ready for the show season. The warm weather doesn't hurt either I wish it would stick around...
I met a wonderful Lady named Sam this weekend who also has a horse that she wants to get out and about so we planned an outing on May 16th to the Baywood PC one day. I want to bring Kizzy to get her used to all the goings ons at a horse show... Betsy will be there also so it will be really fun.
Gage and I went to the NWEC Derby and watched for awhile. We cheered on our friend Betsy who had a wonderful ride and said HI to people we have not seen for awhile. It is always so nice at these early Derbies and shows because everybody is in a great mood and ready for the show season. The warm weather doesn't hurt either I wish it would stick around...
I met a wonderful Lady named Sam this weekend who also has a horse that she wants to get out and about so we planned an outing on May 16th to the Baywood PC one day. I want to bring Kizzy to get her used to all the goings ons at a horse show... Betsy will be there also so it will be really fun.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 1st
My name is Marney McGovern and this is my adventure with my new horse Kizzy. Here is a little information about me and my family in a nutshell. My wonderful husband Dan and I met in college (St. Cloud State University) and were married in MN in 1997. We moved to Washington State shortly after we were married. We were having a great time and enjoying the good life with friends and our 2 dogs Casey (German Shepard) and Cosmo (Jack Russell). I brought my retired event horse Gunther (Trakehner x App) out to WA around the year 1999 and got a NSH rescue (Brian) around the year 2000
. I worked my butt off with Brian and learned about Natural Horsemanship with my friend Leslie who helped me in so many ways. In 2005 we had our son Gage who has added so much to our lives. He is smart, fun and loves life. Dan and I both are so happy that we have such an amazing kid. Brian and I did a few eventing clinics and Derbies but I knew he would make a better endurance horse then eventer and would like it better also. I sold Brian in 2008 to a wonderful lady and she is doing a great job with him. He is also enjoying the trail riding and will be a competitive endurance horse soon. This leads me to why I am doing this blog. Kizzy (Dutch x Thoroughbred) is my new eventing prospect and I feel she will be an awesome partner.
I am getting Kizzy next weekend which is Easter weekend so at this time I am just preparing. This is the first horse that I have bought this young and specifically for eventing. She is very well bred and has a very sweet willing personality. I am so excited and nervous but I feel this is going to be an awesome ride!!!!
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