Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kizzy is a riding horse!!

I thought I would just give a short update since Kizzy is at Patricia's and I don't work with her everyday. Patricia has been doing ground work and has really been working on Kizzy paying attention to her and not tuning her out which is what she was doing. She did round pen work and really made her tune in. She has been on her now about 3 times and says she is doing great. She is listening, paying attention and becoming soft in the bit. Patricia says she is very nice to work with so I am really excited about that. Here is her first time on Kiz! I am so excited to hear the continued status reports. We are also getting an English Shepherd puppy whose name will be Ellie... This breed of dog should be perfect for our lifestyle and family. I am interested in doing herding, agility and fly ball. I am hoping Gage will love the puppy as much as I do and want to do activities with her too...

Friday, January 8, 2010

One More Week :)

Alright so I finally after doing not much at all over the holidays got to work Kiz a bit. The weather was horrible and with my sweet son Gage wanting a lot of attention sometimes it is hard to get out and work the pony. Well the last couple of days I've gotten some nice work done with her. I did some more ground driving and added a bit of trot. I worked on voice commands and her moving more forward while going straight. She likes to keep wondering back and forth while she is crawling forward so I got her marching along and doing it in a straight line only turning when asked. She did pretty good and even had some good halts.

I also lunged her with some loose side reins and she really took to them. She has not had a bunch of bit work. I have stood next to her putting a little pressure on each side of the bit then giving when she gives and she does that great but I've been holding off on attaching the long lines to the bit because I feel she is a horse that could get a hard mouth and I want to make sure the bit is introduced correctly. When the side reins were attached to the bit she was great with that and actually didn't pull at all so that was reassuring. She leaves for Patricia's next weekend and I have to say I am so excited to get her going with Patricia because she can really get her moving forward in her training.

This coming weekend and week I will continue to do bit work along with ground driving and lunging. I am also going to work a lot on laying across her and moving all over her. My main goal is to get her to a point where Patricia can just continue on without starting from scratch. I hope I am not missing anything:)