Well I had two wonderful lessons and one amazing lesson.. So since Chels has been working with Kiz we always start my lessons with her riding Kiz. This is partly due to Kiz being on her toes a bit and partly due to my confidence. Well after the last few rides I decided I need to just get on and tough it out if she is full of it. All of the anxiety is in my mind and I need to get over that so what better way to get over it then to make myself do what I am anxious about. Ya know it really worked my confidence is getting stronger and I am enjoying my horse more.
Well enough about me Kiz is coming along great. We have really been working on her getting more relaxed and balanced. When she is balanced she is more relaxed and she is less fussy. I am still working on giving her nice clear aids and keeping my weight where it should be. I sometimes forget to use my whole body and it is amazing how responsive to that she is.. I guess it pushes me to become a better rider which is what I need.
We got to bring Kiz and Issy over to the main barn for the weekend and it was great. Chelsey got to do some schooling over fences and some nice XC work. The weather was finally nice also so we got to ride outside and I even jumped on her and got her going really well outside before Chels jumped. I guess she was a bit full of herself Friday but on Saturday when Cindi,Rick and I all rode she was awesome. She was listening to my aids and moving forward (well she always moves forward) in a balanced frame. When Chels got on to do some jumps she was chill and relaxed over the fences. We then took them out in the XC field and Chels did some schooling and even did a bit of water work. She was great! Chels will keep her going this week and introduce some more of the XC schooling to her work. I will get to have lessons with her and Cindi on Thursday and Friday. I should probably start jumping soon again so I can get my mind and body back into it. I miss jumping and can't wait to do it again. It has been almost 2 yrs so I need to get the cobwebs off..
I have such a good time at the barn and Cindi and Chels make everything that much more fun. I can't wait to go to Montana and Kiz is coming along so nicely it makes it that much more exciting:)
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